the most useful feature could be allowing users to edit filters... currently as I'm sure you know durning a search your results will show a load of files with 851.7kb as the file size this as we know is nothing but a virus file and it has been discussed in the forms for some time..
also a filter with the option - fike must be greater than or less than (user enters number in kb or mb) -- would make a real differance
Any spam filter I have ever seen has never worked as well as a little common since. Lets see what was the fact I just read O yes there are 250 viruses being written every month and a unknown number of spam files.
Now lets see I am no program writer but if I wanted to get my spyware or virus spread and I new that apps were using size filters. I think I would just make them the size of common files.
Lets think how I might do that, don't know if it would work but lets say I wrote a file that is 857.1 Kb in size and I wanted to make it bigger humph what if I just held down the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA not to hard to make a file any size you want is it. Lets say I make this file in the Kb to Kb range I just effectively made a file the same size as most music files and if you filter it out you have blocked allot of usable files.
The only way of effectively filtering spam and viruses is if there is a server that contains all known good files and hashes users files and blocks all files that don't match. And we all know that isn't the way the network works.
The problem here is that allot of people are lazy and don't check there files. I do not know that a code could be written into LimeWire that if you clicked on a file to download it, it would first take you to Bitzi and you could check the file. But most people would probably whine about it. It would be an effective way to reduce the number of bad files though.
One other thing I see in this thread is allot of paranoia it seems some of you must have someone to blame for everything that happens in life. People find it allot easier to blame someone else for there problems than accept responsibility for there actions.
As far as who is writing the viruses and spreading them who knows and who really cares they are a part of life. And if you take the time to do the things you are supposed to you can avoid most of them. I my entire time on P2P networks I have gotten 1 virus unintentionally.That has been many years of file sharing and I am not saying I won't get another but the odds are in my favor because I do take the necessary steps to try and prevent it.
I believe LW has conspired with the RIAA. Even heard rumor that they keep records on the IP's of people who post in forums like this. I mean there's just too much lack of evidence, outspoken word from LW officials about why every search comes up with spam, virus's and the recording of people's IP addresses in forums like this one. Nothing is being done about it. But newer, less useful versions keep coming out, without much discernable improvement to be talked about.
What a crock of S**T you speak of evidence and yet spread rumors. I see no evidence to back up you claims,
Here lets start another one LimeWire is really the RIAA and we are all busted and fined $10,000.00 per file. People can say or wright anything they want it doesn't mean it is true. Spreading rumors is about the most irresponsible thing a person can do.