hahaha ... magnet links identify the specific person offering the downld. And this rule has always been with the gnutella forums.
An aussie offering a lime killer ... shame ..shame ... shame for poor old p2p! Shall I offer a magnet link to access your personal address? I don't think you'd like that hey? Exactly, just the same as posting personal email addresses on the forum, etc. (forum rules) That's how magnet links are considered. I was personally open about this topic however ... until Stief made a valid point. Why target LW when there's a very large no. of gnutella clients out there ... even more than's catered for on this forum.
Unlike the Chinese gov or mpia or riaa, us on the forum don't get paid, we're volunteers, & we put in much more time into what we do than the previous mentioned!!! (Where's our overtime pay!!! lol
(Oh I didn't see Stief's last post before I posted!)