lighten up Sphinx. She is right. There are mp3 files floating around that has an incredibly lame imitation of bill clintons voice. i have seen listened to them myself. they are not viruses, they are just audio mp3's with a crappy voice like that of bill clinton.
JND1993, this happens sometimes on the gnutella network, we have a small amount of spammers on the network. to deal with this, a spam filter is being adding to limewires next version. stay tuned to learn how to filter that spam out. (i have already tested it, and it works great too

for a quick fix, try disconnecting limewire from the network, then try reconnecting again. hopefully you will get different nodes that do not cover the spammers search horizon. you also have to look at the files details before starting a download. (enable extended tooltips by right-clicking on the search result columns) i recommend that you choose files that have meta-data written to them. also avoid downloading results that have ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
Sphinx, next time try to help more instead of trying to increase your post count by spamming topics with ignorance.
peace, im out