I found the opposite to be true in regards to CPU usage. I could run WinMX for days without a problem AND use other CPU demanding programs if it wasn't running at all most of the time. With Limewire running everything is slowed down and sometimes halted and even connections lost (not just Limewire but other program internet connections as well). I have discovered that setting Zonealarm's firewall settings to Medium vs. High has solved the other program's connection problems yet LW's connection is yet self-destructive. Just to start sharing files (building the library) with LW my ram is eaten up like the cookie monster. WinMX didn't do this at all, it just zipped right through the process. I have found that as long as LW isn't doing anything excessive I can go into task manager and set the CPU Priority to the lowest setting. This gives my computer back it's ability to run other programs in a more fluid and consistant mannor. I also liked WinMX's behavior when a file was finished, it was just finished. It didn't freeze your computer verifying anything.

I wish this feature could be turned off. I could certainly do that myself and yet have ever seen a need for this verifying need LW seems to have. It disconnects me from the network and cuts half of the hosts to my current downloads in half a lot of the time. PLUS! You could set WinMX to do intermittent searches for downloads in progress for more sources. Never had a "Need More Sources" conundrum. I've used Ares to before for its file size filter which was EXTREMELY useful! And that's an understatement. That was the reason I used it in the first place, lol. I wasn't looking for "full length feature films" that were 69kb, lmao! What is that, about 1 pixel per frame!?! lol Let's see, a 2 hour movie would have about 216,000 frames so hmmmm, nope, i don't think that would work!

It's a joke sometimes and LW does make me laugh at times when it comes to it's UNintelligent searches. Though I agree with grandpa in that LW is fast and a lot of searches do end up starting fairly quick. If it weren't for that feature I'd never use LW. Sometimes I wonder if LW would look for the problems and fix them instead of killing the feature they would have a better user-friendly product. Here ya go LW! I think you could use a set of these.
... signing off