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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 18th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Are you sharing any files?

If you're getting a False incoming report, that suggests a firewall of some sort. We need to ascertain where that is. Whether it be a software firewall or a NAT firewall due to your router. It sounds to me like your connection is not as good as what it should be due to the above. It's being restricted somewhere. On the top or side of your router device it should say the brand & model no. It may even be on the bottom. But it should be listed somewhere. Did you not get a manual with it or some other documentation stating what it is ... how about a receipt. If it's rented or bought from your ISP then ask them. This sounds like it "is" important. I hope we can get this sorted out. At least if it's not your router, it'll be at least good to narrow that part out of the equation.
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