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Old December 24th, 2005
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6_pac 6_pac is offline
Psst...over here!
Join Date: April 5th, 2005
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6_pac is a glorious beacon of light

I don't make the rules I was just trying to answer your question. It says right on the LW site that if you buy pro you get 6 months free updates and 6 months Pro support. After that you have to pay again. If you installed Basic over top of Pro. I'm sorry but its not my fault. You should have made a back up copy.

After your 6 months are up it doesn't recognize your e-mail address. So you have to pay again to redownload LW Pro. Thats how the LW site works.

I've never had to use the Pro support so I don't know how good it is. I've always been able to find my answers on the forums.

I only asked if you got it from the official site because you said it was good for a year. There are all kinds of scam sites offering all kinds of different memberships, so it sounded like a possibility.

If you want to d/l a copy from somewhere other than thats up to you. I don't make any money from it.
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