Sphinx, you seriously need to grow up. And you need help because your sense of humor is very weird and childish. And if I'm not uploading anything but just sharing, then maybe Limewire needs to stop using the term, "uploading." And if you don't believe me that Limewire actually do have websites, do a search yourself. You're not going to believe me til you do the search yourself. I know they have websites because sometimes I've tried doing a search on something and some websites came up. Do the search yourself. I know what Limewire is and what it does, I been using it for at least six months so don't call me stupid. And my websites are not stupid. I been building websites for about three years now and I'm just getting better at it and I work at it very hard for months. Don't ever call anything stupid when you haven't seen nothing yet. Sure, you can search a website online. You can do the same for videos on yahoo so why don't we just forget about Limewire and keep searching stuff online? |