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Old December 25th, 2005
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

Insult me all you want, words in cyberspace mean nothing, this forum is for Limewire users, not spammers who want to upload pages to P2P. Im already an adult with a higher education than you. Im not even reading your posts because you dont have a clue. You cannot put a website on P2P because there is no way for users to connect to it, its stupid. and Im smart enough to know that if you are hosting it and you spam the network with it, your host will take down your site quicker than you put it up. When you growup and learn how the web/internet works then maybe you'll make some sense. Go setup your own server, keep your computer running 24/7 and host your own site so people can find it. Ive wasted too much time on this thread already go learn the hard way that it cant be done.

You dont even have a clue how a website works or is run without a real URL people WILL NOT find it and if thats too hard to uderstand in your little mind then go take a class on webhosting. You want to steal everything and put up worthless pages on Gnutella that no one will view is a waste online time.

Time for YOU to growup. Ive been online for over 6 years and know how it works, YOU obviously, dont. Heres a hint the only ones that upload pages are porn webmasters & hackers. Youw ant to lump yourself in with them, go for it.

Last edited by Sphinx; December 25th, 2005 at 05:57 PM.