fundemental question? Question?
who is or should be held accountable for the copyright infringment.
The producer of the material?
The consumer that buys the CD , DVD ext then uploads it to the net?
Or the the third party that downloads it off the net?
The producer of any written or recorded material has the responsiblity of copyrighting and then protecting said material.
But buy broadcasting such material and making it availible to the general public the producer of such material gives "limited" licence to basically anyone who hears and or records the material.
such as through (mass media) radio and TV ext, as long as it is not mass produced and sold for profit.
a good example would be recording your favorite TV program on your VCR to watch later when you have the time.
The consumer that buys the material is entering into an agreement with the producer of said to the legal verbage contained in the copyright. And has an obligation to use the product responsibly. But has also pruchaced a "limited" licence
to the said material.
The consumer goes home uploads the material onto his computer so he can listen to his favorite music while he surfs the net. But includes it in his shared files.
The third party which has not purchased the product and has not entered into any agreement with any producer of copyrighted material and therefore not obligated to protect said material downloads it off of the net via a file sharing program.
Who has violated the agreement? The consumer. But he has limited licence.
The third party copier? But he has never entered into any agreement with anyone and because it was accessed through (mass media) should also be granted "limited" always implied when material is broadcased over a mass media outlet.
The producer of said material? which has made their product availible through (Mass Media) that grants the general public limited licence to view,listen to and record said material with a VCR ,Tivo,taperecorder,media player,ext
Who's responsible?
ut,oh I better go unplug my Tivo before I infringe on spongebob squarepants rights!
OR is this just the price of fame and fortune? |