As everyone knows, sometimes half the files on p2p Networks have incorrect or misleading names - and that works both ways : -
Often you can be looking for particular file and it will turn up in Searches with inappropriate words tacked on/into the filename
OR vice-versa... you DL the correctly-named file and it's actually something else ... - like illegal pron, a DRM or other Scam or similar ...
Either way you can have trouble if you don't check the files immediately, rename any that're OK, Completely delete anything inappropriate/illegal AND any record or cache of either.
This can sometimes be tough when you're scheduling things to run overnight/unattended or that're 'queued/waiting for sources/position in line etc... - more so if you're sharing partials (as pointed out by an earlier poster.].. In the worst case you can end up both with illegal stuff on your HD *and* having redistributed it ....
The Police & Courts are *not* the brightest or best-informed. All you can do is be vigilant - and careful ..
BTW, in response to Forum_Monkey's earlier :
Quote: your average 18 y/o movie will infact be either CP or some 50 y/o mother with ... tatoo's ... another host I browsed their files, much to my amazment and disgust there must have been 200+ cp files there....
Actually, most of the stuff about that's labelled as CP *isn't* - there isn't that much around (there isn't actually much demand for it, happily) , or to paraphrase your comment: your average 'CP' movie will in fact be either legal 18+ clips mislabelled or, as you said, some 50 y/o mother with tatoos and those '200+ cp files' there were probably legal. [To put my comments in perspective, I've been actively working with Computers & Comms - all kinds of different environments & protocols - for a very long time (300bps modems ...

I've run & used a lot of differnt types of sites - from dial-up BBS's, FTP servers, exchanges, web sites and 'hosted' & watched on Server-Client & p2p 'Nets'.
Like most similar things, this "CP epidemic" has always been a media creation. Most Producers, Providers, sites, Servers & Admins - and people generally - just aren't interested. Demand is small, potential for trouble is huge, there's no money in it (and, unsurprisingly, most people strongly disagree with it).
And the very few who *are* interested are hardly likely to advertise the fact by splattering their IPs, email addresses or website details all over the place - they tend instead to be secret little 'closed' Networks of CP fanciers.
Unfortunately there is fallout: A lot of Video & photographers who used to wander about in public places seekings original shots or 'B-Roll' (background) footage won't shoot children or the places they play, swim, hang around etc. - it's too much trouble with all the silly paranoia about. As an example, I've shot video records & stills for a very prominent "Babies to 16' group of swim schools because their usual US-based Videographer quit doing it after being repeatedly challenged by parents or Busybody types and the courteous but genuinely-concerned...
And the 'western world' is now also full of Grandpas who won't hug their Grandkids or let them sit on Grandpa's lap ...
It's pretty sad, really.