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Old December 1st, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: March 23rd, 2001
Posts: 144
SRL is flying high

Actually I don't really look for MP3's - Gnutella has a lot of legitimate uses - especially since the "Internet bubble" burst. It used to be you could easily find free web servers to host your own files, but now the best are gone. What's left forces tons of pop-ups and other obnoxious ads on you and cuts off sites that uses too much bandwidth. Any popular file becomes increasingly expensive to distribute - even if it's perfectly legal to do so.

I see P2P as a great solution for this. Popular OpenSource, Freeware and ShareWare stuff can all benefit. For example, Linux ISO's are perfectly leagal to distribute but *huge* - how many people can afford to host such stuff on a web server?

Not to mention all the videos and MP3's people make themselves these days. The giant media corps want to control *all* content distribution - their copyright or not. All these people making their own video and flash stuff may really become a threat. The solution, as the media giants see it, is to buy enough laws to make sharing any file impossible.
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