Originally posted by Only A Hobo lol I have seen so many posts on various subjects that raise hackles, but in the end, hopefully, something useful comes out of it. Freeloading always provokes heated discussion, and so it should, but as no one here was trying to spark a fire, ... just trying to raise the temperature a degree or two, your last remark can hopefully be ignored.
I have seen real flaming on other forums and Newsgroups, and it doesn't get pleasant. A difference of oppinion does not automatically mean "flambait "
Usually around here things usually get resolved without a fight to the death, (although that is not always the case ) |
Ya Bro, I can get along with anyone...BUT I can fan the flames w/ the best of them also.
BTW: GFY could mean either,
Good For You,
Go F*ck Yaself
After hacking into Aol many times a decade ago, the CAT,
Community Action Team never could figure out why I signed out with GFY...it can be a compliment or a kiss-off.
I could care less whether any Jacko's here could decifer my mnemonic. I got better things to do than waste my time defending my POV. If ya need anything Hobo, slip me a private msg & I'll let ya know if I can get it for ya wholesale.
Best regards,