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Old December 27th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Anti-Spyware & Anti-Virus

Dear Trevor

To be honest, I doubt that you will be able to claim a refund on the product you purchased. Although I live in the UK, I can see by your posting that you have made a fundamental mistake.

The malware you found on your PC, W32.Sinnaka.A@mm and Schmitfraud-C, are viruses or Trojans. However, you tried to remove them with "Anti-Spyware" products and as most PC users know spyware and viruses are two totally different types of malware.

Therefore, the vendor of "Spyguard" can't be faulted for selling you a product that does not work, because it is designed to delete spyware and not viruses, it is just that you picked the wrong product to purchase.

You say that you have now got rid of the viruses so now you must have an anti-virus app on your PC. As you are obviously an inexperienced PC user, I would strongly suggest that you keep your anti-spyware products because PC's now are constantly under attack by various and numerous miscreants hiding and laying traps on the internet, the following are samples of the types and kinds attacks you may experience as a PC user:

a) Viruses - embedded in web pages, attached to emails, transfered via infected disks, sent via networks, hidden in software etc.

b) Trojan - same as viruses

c) Worm - self perpetuating (ability to send itself from PC to PC)

d) Spyware - spies on your internet activities, may give you an unwanted automatic response or report back to its originator.

e) Keylogger - notes every keystroke on your PC and report back to its originator (mainly used by criminals).

f) Browser Hi-Jacker - Hijacks your browser's home page and/or re-directs your browser to a scammers website.

g) Adware - floods your browser with adverts whenever you go onto the internet.

There are other dangers out there, each designed to take control of your PC and steal your financial information, so before you start surfing all over the net and infecting your PC with all sorts of malware you should first protect your PC as best you can, all you probably need now is a firewall, e.g. ZoneAlarm (which is very good and free).

UK Bob

Last edited by ukbobboy01; December 27th, 2005 at 11:08 AM.
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