Hi johncat222,
Have you left your LW on for a while (say 1/2 hour) and given it a chance to settle down & connect? You say you've got both Win & Norton firewalls turned off - which one do you normally use (don't use the two together as they don't get on well)? Have a look here for instructions on configuring firewall:
I don't think spybot will be blocking you, I've never heard of it doing this & it's never been a problem for me.
Go to
This will tell you if the port that LW normally uses is being blocked.
What does the test say?
Your router has a built in SPI firewall, so that might be causing probs.
Just give a little bit more info:
Who is your ISP?
What's your connection type ( adsl, dial-up etc)
Where are you connecting from (home, work etc)
Your LW & Java version(help > about LW and it'll tell you)