Originally posted by Morgwen Hi Becker queued means the server is busy but the request is queued and the transfer will start than the server is free!
On bearshare you have faster downloads... sure it is possible but people with 1 Mbit line are very seldom... and than you will get only a "few files" faster...
What is if you want to download an avi but you find only 10 modem user? With bearshare this is a problem but not with Morpheus or eDonkey... and as I mentioned the amount of files is much bigger because they donīt support freeloading as bearshare does... do you remenber between 70 - 90 %...
I found avis on eDonkey which I never found on Gnutella!
Let me repeat Morpheus and eDonkey are faster and you find much more files!
Becker what do mean why Morpheus and eDonkey are so popular? Because bearshare is faster and better???
No Becker see the reality, donīt close your eyes like Vinnie!
Morgwen |
I would really like to see.. but my AVI didnt finish!! people where sharing and i noticed that i was forced to share as well. I think that sucks for modem users even thought they can set the speed limits. I will be trying a few things. like setting the limit out to 1

like freeloading but not.. i usally find alot of 1 MB connects on BS but i guess its when you connect and such things. I didnt like how poeple where downloading off of me before i finshed the file. that confused me.. And whats with those weird *** status bars? i change edonkeys interface and its pretty cool.
I can really see how the muti download thing is really sweet now so i hope to see this soon in bearshare
