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Old December 28th, 2005
Sir MacJOhn[Am I?] Sir MacJOhn[Am I?] is offline
Join Date: December 24th, 2005
Location: Tijuana
Posts: 7
Sir MacJOhn[Am I?] is flying high
Default I believe it's a bugz they need to fix.

I'm afraid to tell that i follow every step you told us and nothing. app still having the same problem. sadly what i did was delete the 4.10.0 and install the older one. It works fine, but hope programmers fix that problem soon because i can see a lot of others users had the same problem as me.

Thousand thx for the time you share with us trying to help us solve the issues we had.

And keep up the good work in here with all the ppl that you help LOTR.
With my deep appreciation.

A friendly Limewire User from Mexico. ^_^
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