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Old December 30th, 2005
bbsnooks bbsnooks is offline
Join Date: December 28th, 2005
Location: Land of OZ
Posts: 17
bbsnooks is flying high

One more ?? about default settings..

on the options menu I found ( once and cant find now) a place that limited the # of downloads. . one person could get from my files. i thought it was set at 3..

does that mean that from any member who uses the default settings.. that I can only download 3 files from that user?

I ask this because I like acoustic finger style guitar music.. and there are not as many users that have this style ( compaired to the pop music ). and that if I'm limited to 3 downloads from users that have these files.. that it may be the reason I'm getting so many "awaiting new sources" comments in the status bar.

I wonder why.. I would be able to find the music ... and then not be able to download it .. on so many tunes. and several are partially downloaded an d not able to complete.. over several weeks time.

one more note on my "upload" files in the monitor tab..
there are 8 that say its 100% complete.. and several in the partial progress % done.. along with many more that are at 0% several of those say that the transfer was disrupted.. ( i have had to repair my connection to the net several times.. ) i guess that repairing the network connection would stop the transfer.. that said .. I still have no record of any up loads in the Library folder..

i clicked on the tab at top that show/s the 0/0 to put any that might have been shared at the top and still it says 0.

I wonder if I dont understand just what this is suposed to track .. or if my tracking of the shared files is just not working?

I cked in the statistics of the tool bar and it says that there is 14 -16 kb/s .. on the average being use in the uploads..
so? isnt that sharing ? information..

I'm trying to make this 0/0 up load tab in the library make sence.. help if you can.

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