Thread: disappointment
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Old January 1st, 2006
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Originally posted by Sphinx
How come I can go faster in Bearshare and not Limewire? How come I can find more rare songs using Bearshare Lite than Limewire?... Ican get my normal cable speed in Bearshare but not Limewire can only assume they are capping it so you pay extra for the phony turbo charge speeds they promise with the pro version?
Pro allows you to connect to 5 peers which is probably better for getting those rarer files. Connecting to more peers will allow further searches meaning the potential of more sources in searches. Pro also has the potential to allow downlds from 10 sources whereas Basic only 8. Birdy was on the ball when he suggested about optimising your particular set up. Remember everyone's set up is a little different. People can have the same model pc sitting beside another with the exact same programs installed, but they behave differently & one can have problems whilst the other doesn't. In the same way, some p2p programs are better suited to some people's systems & set ups than others. Sphinx has never tried pro so to call it phony is a little unfair. Oh well that's my 2 pence worth. lol
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