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Old January 1st, 2006
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Erm .... The upload limits you set on yor Limewire preferences are for simultaneous uploads. For instance if you set it to 20 uploads and 3 uploads per person, this means that only 20 people can upload at once, and only 3 can go to any one host at a time. Once one upload has finished another one can start to the same host.

If the host queues more than 3 uploads. The others will be labelled "upload limit reached" At times the potential uploader will have a file marked "banned greedy Servent" and this is an automatic message ... and I'm not absolutely sure what triggers it. This will be removed next session. It is not a permanent ban on the host.

Only set your upload limit to anumber your system can handle... 1000 will not help!

I hope this helps....
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