Thanks, Hobo.
I thought there was a difference between Limewire/Preferences/Options/Uploads/Max Upload Slots (mine is set to 8)
Limewire/Preferences/Options/Uploads/Uploads Per Person (mine is set to 1000).
I can certainly understand how one could not set their Max Upload Slots to 1000
but it seems like it would be okay to set Uploads Per Person to 1000.
By "simultaneous uploads" I assume you are referring to Max Upload Slots. Mine is set to 8, and is usually set to 6. Never more than 8.
I did not realize that "Max Upload Slots" (of 8 or 6) with hosts that queued more than 3 uploads (in the queue) triggered an Upload Limit Reached message. I somehow thought that was triggered by the Uploads Per Person setting. If it is triggered by Max Upload Slots, I won't worry about it. I hope I have it right; if not I look forward to clarification.
Currently sticking with an older version of Limewire Pro 4.8.1, which has proven more stable
PowerMac G4 933 with ISP Brighthouse/Roadrunner broadband 15/2 connection running Mac OS X 10.2.8
Details of my computer (firewall, RAM, hard disk), network set-up, country, and all can be found here: