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Old January 1st, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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The image is quite small so it's not easy to see details but I'm presuming it's blurred right? Yes in actual fact, it still might be a graphic card issue. Try changing skins & see if you still have the same problem. Also, re-check that Sticky about graphic cards & 3D settings. Try setting your graph card back to default to see if it makes any difference.

Hold on ... you said missing characters. Well check the above suggestions all the same. Which version of Java are you using?

BTW I don't suppose you're saving your downlds onto an external HDD are you? Or your shared files being on an external drive? I have an issue with iTunes because my external drive I use for it is too slow (cache is low which makes it slow) & suffer reading issues.
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