If I forgot to mention before I will now:
autogenerated spam results, & also 2.
autogenerated mp3 spam results
LW now has a spam filter, so get into the habit of using it. Now you know the spam sizes & if you look at the virus thread I gave earlier then also virii sizes. You can also get rid of porn using the word filter. So either ignore it or filter it out to begin with. The fact the network has been attacked by dubious sources with fake, autogenerated results, porn, virii, etc. doesn't mean it doesn't still work if you know how to work around it. The 1st thing is to recognise what files are bad.
So how to use the spam filter? Select what you know is rubbish results & press the trash button. The spam filter is a learning filter. It will learn with experience. It has a dynamic nature which confuses some people but you'll notice it picks up quite nicely after a while. For me I found it stopped autogenerated spam such as mp3 & ipod spam after just the 2nd search. But I set out to find the spam so I could stop it.
However, virii will take much, much longer for the filter to learn to filter out.