Thread: disappointment
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Old January 1st, 2006
Sphinx Sphinx is offline
On Holiday
Join Date: August 7th, 2005
Posts: 971
Sphinx is flying high

I cant get that sadly. I really wish I knew what I was doing wrong in LW. I should be going at the same speed I do in Bearshare. I went to do a screen of the same song in Limewire but I couldnt get it to comeup and I am not going to fiddle with my Windows frewall to get more speed.

I have cable I shouldnt have this problem.

and, even if I paid I have a feeling it would still go at the same speed because this doesnt happen to me in Bearshare.

Im trying to do some more tests gonna post one more result from basic.

Grandpa, how did you did that screeny with what program btw???
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