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Old January 2nd, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Thumbs down LaCie 160 GB external drive is a rip-off!!! It's Hopeless!!!

I commented upon it here:

ie: La Cie deliberately give their 160 GB external drives a minimal cache so they're both unreliable, slow & noisy. I've had to reformat mine at least half a dozen times in the past 14 months. I phoned La Cie asking & telling that I'd obviously got a lemon since my 250 GB drive was so much different in performance. There's no comparison. My 160 GB drive has my iTunes library on-board. iTunes continuously has problems reading from it & skips songs after about 10 secs. Wow thank you La Cie. I was told by apple resellers it would be fine for the purpose. That was until La Cie support let me in on the truth. It is deliberately designed with far less cache than the 250 GB drive to make it unreliable. I think that's called marketing. But if it is, then it's shifty, nasty, conspiring, & particularly/especially deceptive. Oh thank you very much. I've certainly learnt a lesson thank you La Cie. Hopefully other gnutella users can learn the same lesson without having to pay for it! Let me pass this message on ... unsponsored by La Cie.

Everytime I connect the 160 GB drive my computer slows down. Oh I wonder why La Cie. Gads if only the french could speak chinese or another couple of languages I could be a bit more definitive in my description & thoughts. And gads english is my main language. Dare I say it. Forum rules restrict further comments!

BTW in the 1st 9 mths I used the drive I lost mammoth amounts of data thru directory corruption. And that's one of the points. The 160 drive is continuously needing repair. Thanks for the multiple GB's of lossed data La Cie. Some of it my profesional work. Cheers!!!

I forgot to mention that's a firewire 400 drive I'm refering to.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; January 2nd, 2006 at 02:11 AM.
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