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Old December 2nd, 2001
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Moak Moak is offline
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
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Posts: 816
Moak is flying high

Hi SRL, I totaly agree! Someone should tell the GDF. They have some very good homebrew ideas, but remain small, slow, hidden yet. And there is no wider open discussion, RFC, documentation project or new developer promotion/support.

I wonder if a Gnutella business model is just a dream? I guess a cool gnutella client is good for company PR and a interesting education project for programers... but how making money with a Gnutella client as only horse in the stable? As long as there are many other good Gnutella servants and other free P2P systems, the user will not pay money for one? *brainstorming* It might be also hard to provide a special unique service or a splittet single vendor network, because centralized systems might be threatened by lawsuits (Napster/Kazaa).
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