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Old January 2nd, 2006
gabriel1475 gabriel1475 is offline
Join Date: November 18th, 2005
Location: San Diego
Posts: 4
gabriel1475 is flying high
Default Updated to 4.10.0, and not able to continue old downloads

Hello there,
can someone help me, I just updated to 4.10 (limewire), and now all my old downloads (from the "incomplete" folder) are not downloading. I see them within Limewire, but they no longer show thier progress (some were close to being completed). Why is this?

Also (and this my potentially be the main problem), I get a window saying I am not connected, and to select "connect" fromt he file menu. ?????? What the hell? I never had to do that before. I, of course, hit the "connect" option, but it does not change anything.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks
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