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Old January 3rd, 2006
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I don't have such equipment at my fingertips. lol But I have timed it using the clock on the computer as a rough guide. I did it out of curiousity but I didn't note it or think too much about it. But I can redo it to be specific. The difference in speed is considerable. There's nothing like waiting to finish copying 80+ GB. As I said earlier, the 160 GB drive I originally used simply as a backup drive. Once it was finished copying, I wouldn't touch it again for perhaps some weeks. That's 10-40 mins use depending on size of data to backup. The 250 GB drive does it in almost no time. What's more there's no or almost no sound during the process. The 160 drive seems to stutter every now & again. It sounds like zip disks if you've ever used one. Especially very old ones. I don't understand why that with such little use the directory would become corrupt so quickly. Sometimes I didn't use it for a few months. Now I use it a few times a week.
But as I said at the end of my last post, I will re-format it differently to how it was before & see if there's any improvement. If I can get it at least closer to the performance of the 250 drive then I'll delete this thread.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I can't copy more than about 2 GB or less at a time to it or else there's copy errors. But I did note to myself sub-consiously how fast it copied per minute out of however mins to copy a couple of gig ... the rate at which it copies is so so much slower.

I guess I should also add, whilst using it as a share drive, if I do that, it not only slows the computer but I only get some hits for the files, no uploads. I doubt people can upload from it. And that's with about 120 GB music. Very unlike how it was before I moved the files off the computer.

This is The Lounge which was designed for generally chat issues, or p2p stuff. Opinions, etc. ie: any topic which didn't necessarily relate to p2p & was quite open yet falling within forum guidelines. As stated, I'm "more than happy" with the 250 GB drive ... same company ... & their support is excellent! (If you didn't want to know about the topic then fine. It's about a specific model or ones experience with it.)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; January 3rd, 2006 at 09:23 AM.
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