mmkay iv got some xmas money to blow and i want to get an mp3 player...iv boiled it down to 2...and i just want to know if anybody has one of these models and if so what they are like and any other advice on shopping... <---i like that one the best but its pricey and im not shure about the SNR ratio on 90dB good? will 90db give me hiss?? i herd that cassette tapes have about 60db...and they hiss badly...the SNR is the only thing that im not shur about on that...if it was higher i would have bought it allredy... <--thats the cheeper one...and the case looks a little better...but im not shur if its compleatly plug n play like the other one...
the PnP thing is what has kept me from buying that one..i want to be able to just drag n drop data and music to and from the player to the computer and visa versa, using only windows explorer without any other software. i emaild creatives teck supprt and asked them if its possible and they sed it was with the "playsforshure" firmware update...and i was at my friends house this weekend and was messing with his mp3 player wich has playsforshure in it and i discovered that you cant drag songs FROM the player back to the that a part of this playsforshure thing? it wont let you drag songs from the player? creatives email responce dident say anything about dragging songs FROM the player back to the computer...
dose anybody own one of these, and what do you think of it? and dose anybody have any other sudgestions besides those two players (ipods are compleatly out of the question.) ?
the major things i want in a player are
COMPLEATY plug n play - no required software of any kind
must play .WAV files
must have a 60GB+ hard drive .
must have exelent sound qualety.
and no DRM crap.
i want to make shure i get the perfect one , thats why im compairing so hard...i dont want to have to return anything...
thanks for any info anyone has.