problems with limewire 4.10 and itunes.... help please! two days ago i updated to 4.10 from 4.9 whatever and have been experiencing problems ever since!
1st off limewire keeps quitting unexpetdly, and, when it is working, my downloads have been slower than EVER!
2nd, my itunes is not being updated regularly (which ALWAYS happened before). ie. instead of every song i have downloaded showing up in my limewire folder of itunes only random songs do, although many more appear to have downloaded and are in my shared files folder.
has anyone else experienced this? i am so dissapointed and frustrated... i had such a lovely relationship w. limewire which i am worried has been ruined! please help!, btw, i ran disc utility on my computer and even checked for a virus! oh, and i am running mac os 10.3.9 and itunes 6.0.1., oh, and i did change some of my pref's in limewire but changed them all back as a result of these issues.
thanks so so much.
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