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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

As far as I have been part of the gnutella and limewire history I can say that it is true that there have been lots of bad downloads and stuff like that in the past. and i have to commit i didn't have one of them yet - since i use the limewire 1.8b...

BUT Limewire used to have more futures that it now leaks!
- Browse Host it's still advertised as a feature but it's not there anymore.- Connection selection was really usefull! I don't need to be connected to all those porn servers!
- I also had better search results with that feature. now i try to look for a song that has been on the radio for weeks and i can't find it! the whole group virtually disappeared. and i can't change anything about it cause i rely on the automatic connections and some luck.

- and what the h*** do we need a chat for?! About a year ago the gnutella dev community (which i believe limewire also belongs to) removed every kind of chat from the gnutella protocoll and from the clients due to bandwidth. i couldn't say that I have any bandwidth to share or to spill around for chat. there is no need for it - no one would like to tell you his or her address in chat just because you're so nice. since you have a harddrive full of illegal copys and you use a network that's hard to trace back to real life persons... and since it's p2p - how would i ever find my chat buddy again?

correct me if i'm wrong and i'm just to dumb to find the functions i miss.