Thread: LimeWire/iTunes
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Old January 8th, 2006
beyondgurl beyondgurl is offline
Join Date: January 7th, 2006
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beyondgurl is flying high

Originally posted by philippe99
Ok, well
In my case, this box is chhecked and the downloaded music directly goes into iTunes, in a labelles "Limewire" playlist.
So, I must admit, I never had to use drag-n-drop to put music into iTunes.

So, now, the problem is not (only) the drag-n-drop issue, but the fact that the downloaded music does not automatically go into iTunes

I start searching on the Web: I'm still under iTunes 4.9 and do not know how iTunes 6 can be the culprit.

Actually, I had what you have now. But now in 6 I can no longer take an mp3 from my Limewire playlist folder and drag (copy) it into another list in my itunes like my ipod folder. This is why I think it's not a limewire issue but an itunes thing. Preventing me from copying the files anywhere else. Now I can only listen to the songs I download when limewire is open.
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