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Old December 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Limewire with MAC G4 works great for me!

I have a G4 533 DP with my main hard drive partitioned into 3 seperate systems for different purposes.

partition 1 for FCP Final cut can be sensitive about conflicting software.

partition 2 for OS 9 ( latest) AND OS X ( not the updated version- i haven't done that yet)

partition 3 for other os 9 programs that might require an older version of quicktime. I also use this partition to help avoid conflicts with my main partition 2 drive (I have ALOT of programs so I'd figure I'd seperate them as well as I can)
This drive is now mainly turning into my SOUND drive, with my audio recording/burning programs

Anyhow this is how I run LIMEWIRE WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS :

First I downloaded LIMEWIRE the newest version for OS 9 &
installed it on my 3rd partition,

Now whenever I want to run LIMEWIRE I BOOT UP OS X
this activates and runs mac classic os 9 and Limewire

it connects and I'm good to go. everything works great!

Of course I'd like faster download speeds; the fastest I've seen so far is only 50/k second and I have a DSL line, but I know this speed depends on the other computer's upload and connection also.

The reason I run OS X to run Limewire with os 9 is because my DSL provider doesn't have software that can connect with os 9 ! (STUPID OF THEM, PAC-BELL DSL, SBC) and OS X CAN DO THIS AUTOMATICALLY.

I COULD HAVE downloaded LIMEWIRE for OS X and connect soley through os X (like I do with web browsers) but since I haven't updated my version of OS X, I didn't want to chance it.

BTW, I also run AOL the same way as Limewire: BOOT OS X, Double-click AOL, CLassic starts and runs AOL and I connect.

Q: Is there any way to just search MAC FILES AND PROGRAMS ON LIMEWIRE?
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