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Old January 8th, 2006
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CyberStalker CyberStalker is offline
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Hey there, wondering why! Long time no see!

When dragging the songs that you want to your mp3 player you have to do that in Windows Explorer. You can't do it through LimeWire. So when you're in Windows Explorer just go to the folder where your LimeWire music is saved and you can start to drag and drop your songs into your mp3 player! My mp3 player shows up like this in Windows Explorer. E: Removable Disk Yours will probably be the same.

thanks for your reply....when im in limewire the songs arent in my sharred music do i transfer from limewire to shared music folder?
When in LimeWire go into Tools>Options>Saving. Hold the mouse over Audio and you'll see a path to where your music is saved.

If you need anymore help just let me know!

Last edited by CyberStalker; January 8th, 2006 at 12:00 PM.
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