Thread: installing
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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The "Official" LW site does not offer downloads with virii, spyware or adware! It's what you downld using LW that can find those types of things. WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! (click on link) ie: staying away from files less than 1 MB (1,000 KB) in size & scanning all downlds with your anti-virus.

We check to make sure people obtained their copy of LW from the official site because: (1) there's lots of scam sites out there that make you pay money & they direct you to the free version of LW. (2) Some of these scam sites have their own adjusted versions of LW, which apparently have had spyware, etc. added to them is some cases.

Can you be banned for calling other members names & insulting them. The answer is yes. Cool it down everybody. Forum Rules (click here) And andie you are officially being warned once. Any more & expect action.
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