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Old January 9th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Spamming the forum now are we. Double-posting is not allowed on the forums.

Have you been using the Junk filter to filter them out? It's a learning filter not a set filter. It's dynamic. So you need to keep adding the spam to the filter so it eventually filters them all out. Virii are the most difficult to filter out ... it takes the longest. Whereas the ipod & clinton audio spam only takes about 2 searches to filter out completely. Don't forget there's also keyword filters. You can filter out extensions such as .ace, .exe or .wmv, etc.

You should also look at your search techniques. It sounds like all you're getting is spam because there are no results for what you're searching for or the terms you use to search aren't ideal to finding the target files. Vary your search criteria.

If you want those sponsored companies that spam the network win, well that's up to you. You don't have to use LW or any other p2p program/network. It's a problem with all p2p nowadays. Have you heard of Overpeer? Google it!
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