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Old January 10th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Despite how many sources (hosts) your search may find, you are limited to downlding from a maximum of 8 (or 10 for pro.) But despite your search may find many sources, some you might have difficulty connecting to, & some might be busy & not have any free upload slots left. The best thing is to search the topic again to see if you can find more sources. Also, the no. of hosts you can downld from can be limited by your download slots. eg: If you have 5 downld slots, but 3 are busy downlding 2-3 other files, then you only have 2 slots left for the other sources. I believe this is how it works (so others have said.) Though due to my small bandwidth, I also generally only downld from a handful of sources at best, & generally less. I'd moreso have multiple downlds going. I guess one way is not to downld too many files at one time.
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