Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Not sure what you mean by error messages. What type of error messages? Are they firewall warnings or java errors or ... ? |
These are popups that pile one on top of another very quickly at first. Some times just 3 or 4 - other times 30 even over 100 of them. My post about that can be seen @
click here
I think the two, my speeds (or lack of it) and the constant popup errors are related. But, to make changes in LW, I need to get beyond the popups as while they are there, there is no accessing the LW controls - a Catch-22
With the popups there, file transfers continue anyway. Closing the popups and trying to be fast enough so I can access LW controls is like an old Atari game - except I'm frustated now because since there are no scores - I don't know who is winning - the popups or me
BTW - errors usually start after about 5 minutes of LW being open.