First I want to thank Moak, he is helpfull.
I have read that people equate a new client to new ideas.
And that to work on an existing client requires that the existing people must allow you to work with them.
It was also said in a reaction to my "read about IBM's userv" that it does not include the Gnutella things like antispam and that is why it is no good. (obvious that it does not

) It is however a p-p appplication that companies might buy. It is also functionality that, given some posts, can be part of Gnutella as well.
I read that one of Gnutella's "strengths" is that nobody controls what and how. I am sceptical, that it leads to anarchy is something you may not mind. Thing is that every new implementation of a client will lead to network clutter by bug that need fixing.
And actually it is not what I proposed. When you have a framework client, with all basic functionality that is build modularly, well documented, everyone can build their client on top of that. When it is found that one module does not fit completely, it is time to work on THAT module again. That is the Linux way of developing. Linux is about the core, the kernel. After that it is up to you. Contribute back and it may become part of the package.
A personal question, I have spend some time on Gnutella, I think it has promise. But do you think that the way I contribute is helpfull ?
Have fun