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  #71 (permalink)  
Old January 14th, 2006
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Well I find browsing host helps continue downlds if you're downldng from that host. So if a downld goes stale, then browsing can help continue it. The "same" applies for other incomplete files.
But keeping in mind that everybody's bandwidth can become popular ... I've browsed a person & 10 mins later haven't been able to. Or/& the browse showed up zero results of files. But 30 mins later a browse showed they had hundreds or thousands of files. I think I said this before or something similar but thought I'd post as though this was (well ... one of lol) my 1st posts to the topic. But similar to D.C., one minute you browse their files & they have 4 star connection quality. 15 mins later you browse them & their star rating for connection might have dropped. It all seems to fit the same picture somehow.
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