Pro allows you to be connected to 5 UP basic only allows 3 so theoretically you should have 40% greater searching ability. Will it make DL faster theoretically yes more sources in your search = more sources to download from. Also Pro allows you to connect to 10 sources to DL from basic allows 8 theoretically 20% faster.
But this depends on allot of things your connecting speed how common or rare the files you are searching for are. The connection speed of the host you connect to. If you have dial up or a slow connection 40KB/s or less then pro probably will not be any faster than basic. If you have a faster connection then yes pro will probably be faster how much faster depends on the conditions I mentioned above.
I often see speeds of 500KB/s when DL 4 to 6 files but there are times it struggles to get 10KB/s on 1 or 2 files.
A little common sense goes a long way
Later Grandpa |