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  #75 (permalink)  
Old January 17th, 2006
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Originally posted by spsg
..i dont share files because of the short amount of time im on. also people snooping i dont want. its my pc which is more important than "ZoMG!11sharing..!!
If you're not sharing then it doesn't really apply does it. People can only browse the files you're sharing & if you're "not sharing any" then they can't browse anything can they. Duh!
Well if everybody couldn't share files "because of the short amount of time" they're on then you wouldn't have anything whatsoever to downld except the "Overpeer" virii & fake files. lol

So why is everybody paranoid to be browsed. Are you freeloaders/leechers or are you downlding pedophilia.

Turn off upload slots & upld bandwidth & nobody can browse you right! Oh & also disable chat. lol Another trick it to not allow incoming thru your firewall. NP. Problem solved. Only one person concerned then. I, me & myself. lol
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