BROWSE HOST (Should it be Optional?)
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January 17th, 2006
Lord of the Rings
Join Date: June 30th, 2004
Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
Posts: 665
Rather than bother people who have spent many, many hours ripping their material & have especially invested into extra share drives, ... just go out & buy something similar. Don't bother those who are serious about sharing. If you want to downld the quick loads then go for other freeloaders & good luck with your downlds! Else stay away from those who are serious about sharing. IMHO Ask yourself, "why" would those people want to share with "you"? Take your time to think about it!
BTW if you want to downld without sharing then aim for Kazaa which works off a central server. Good luck!
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Lord of the Rings
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