I am happy. People actuallly try to read what you say. SRL's answer is a case in point.
I do not want to take over, better still I will not take over as I do not have that in mind. I want to do filesharing on a rather massive scale. I am in the process of creating a community around a database application (GPLish I do add

). This database application is about Taxonomy and pictures of plants.. Really dull when you do not like that
I need a P-P software package that has multiple uses and can be configured as such. Yes, it must have the current Gnutella functiality, Yes I need people to interrogate a file server to get the name of the file they want. Yes it would be best that it is only asked to a subset of all Gnutella clients. Yes, the files are all over the world so a limited horizon is
This is a project that costs nothing and can benefit a whole community. When it works all kinds of people interested in plants will want this. That is a hobby/scientific community.
This is what I am after. What you get is a "window" application. That is a project that you put as an advert for all to see. What I am good at is badger people to cooperate. To define the protocol better, To get people to talk about the core functionality. Cause when I am considered to be helpfull I will follow what happens and comment.
At this moment I can not use LimeWire because of the spy-ware.
SRL, You are right, that a RFC mechanism is needed. Isn't that what a forum can be used for? Have one for chit chat, have one for genuine TECHNICAL stuff.
SRL, the intention was that you would ask, so there..
Linux is not corporate. Companies benefit themselves by contributing to the community. IBM eg sells more mainframes because of it. The corporations that do Gnutella benefit from a mature protocol. They will not make their money from the client. They will make their money from the add-ons. LimeWire shoots itself in the foot with their spy-ware. I CANNOT use it because of it. My community will not stand for it.
So my contributions will be in being professional IT and commenting on what I see. Personally I write RPG, CL, Synon/2 some Cobol some MS/Access. So I will not add to the code.
When I write things that are old hat, call me ill informed and I look for better info next time, I learn..
Why Gnutella; it is well known. It is free. And I choose it for a community that has at this time little money to spend. The basic functionality is there in Gnutella clients. And there is this vibrant community.
have fun