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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 20th, 2006
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

That's fine. But LW have addressed the issue very quickly (within a day or 2 of it being reported), & have thus released LW 4.10.5 which fixes the problem. See the fixes here

And get the LW beta here

Pro users can find a link to the pro beta at the bottom of their personal downld page.

BTW Phex is a good program. A little different to LW but a good program all the same & is also open source. Phex is not a LW clone but may well use some of the same internal workings from the open source community which of course LW provides for them.
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