I have an emac os10.3.9 and I don't remember which version of limewire I had before but it didn't have the junk filter on it. I have had limewire for about 6 months and never had any problems until last week when I downloaded limewire 4.10.5. I have tried many of the fixes listed in other threads and am just about to give up on limewire even though I used to love it. I can't work on anything else when limewire is on and that is not good.
Just saw your edited post. Guess the forum
is going a little slow

. As for which version what is the latest version before the junk filter was added? Sorry didn't have my pm turned on will send you a pm now. Thanks.
Turned on my pm in my profile but it still says I can't see pm's. Not sure what to do about that.