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Old January 22nd, 2006
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Grandpa Grandpa is offline
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I just did in the post above if you go back and read some of the post I have made over time you will see that I am very meticulous about facts and figures
Guess what 90% of these people admittedly were not sharing an 10% said they were sharing. Of the 90% that were not sharing about 60% would enable sharing and browse host thus they could download from me if they got in line and waited their turn.
All that disabling browse host does is encourage leaching and nothing is worse than a leach sucking up bandwidth from others who do share their files.
And for what it's worth, the only thing that sucked about WinMX was the punks who ran LeechHammer, etc. Half of the people running it USED it to leech and keep people from getting anything from them, and the rest came off with a holier-than-thou attitude, banning people and sending them hostile messages about being a "LEECH!" just because WinMX's browse host didn't work half the time.
Frum your statement about WinMx you must have been in the 10% who said they were sharing. And actually I found the browse host feature to work very well in WinMx 95% of the time it would return results.

And by the way I do not use up your bandwith the only time I download anything any more is when I am testing. I leave LimeWire on 24hrs a day 5 days a week UL 40KB/s and depending on which drives I decide to share between 80GB and 300GB. So I would be careful about saying people like Grandpa. The odds are I have given more than you have even seen.
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Later Grandpa

Last edited by Grandpa; January 22nd, 2006 at 05:36 PM.
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