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Old January 23rd, 2006
NodeNomad NodeNomad is offline
Join Date: January 12th, 2006
Posts: 30
NodeNomad is flying high
Default Let's see who is ignorant...

Regarding your math:

Let's say you only ban 100 people a day (I'll be kind to you.)

If, as you said, that represents only 5% of your total uploads (you did say that WinMX returns results 95% of the time), then you would have to have 2000 successful queue entries per day.

Multiply that by an average filesize of 3 MB, and you get around 6 gigs in queue per day.

Now, it is possible that you are sharing thousands of tiny image files, but your previous post about "I've spent years scanning my shares, in all formats, etc." suggests that is not the case.

Now, not only is it unlikely that you're uploading 6 gigs per day (keep in mind that's a conservative estimate- I'm being kind here), but:

WINMX only allowed 5,000 shares per person, and that was on a primary connection, which used a big chunk of your upload bandwidth to route network traffic. Secondary connections were limited to 3,000.

Somehow, I doubt you were getting 14,400 upload requests per day.

So which is it? Did WinMX's browse host feature work almost all the time, or did you end up banning thousands of people per day?

In any event, you are not the average user, and this should be recognized when considering your requests.

(ALSO, if you set your max queue size to X, that doesn't mean you get X new people in your queue every hour, because the previous hour's queue does not clear each hour. I did not deal with that because it requires more explaination than your weak argument really deserves. Please try to educate yourself before educating others.)

This concludes P2P 101.
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