Don't use the Aqua Skin. Hi all
Had the same problem when I downloaded 4.10 . Seemed really slow and the seemed not to display properly !!
Nightmare!! I wanted to go back to my old Limewire but couldn't.. Help
Anyway I deleted everything I could find with 'Lime ' in the title, in desperation, trashed the lot. Re-downloaded and installed direct through Safari as I have had problems with downloads not coming through Safari. Reinstalled and still the same display problems and slow !!
So I tried a different skin and all worked fine !!
Seems like all the other skins available are fine except the Aqua OSX, the one you would use and I think is the default.
Don't use the Aqua Skin.
I do like the Black Skin it's cool...
Try it !!
Would like your feedback
Good Luck
G4 OSX 10.2.8 867Mhz |