Thread: pro vs basic?
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Old January 28th, 2006
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Default Re: pro vs basic?

Originally posted by ironhead6977
I have dail up. what are the advantages to me of pro. Also, is the cost 18.80 a month, year? I'm new to limewire and to computers. HELP!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think it would be worth it for you to purchase LW Pro because you are using a dialup connection, and and basic will more than max out your available bandwidth. Getting Pro connects you to more hosts and can give you faster speeds, unfortunately it won't help you out any. It can get you better search results but i don't think that it would be worth the price of going pro. I don't think you would see any difference, but if you get a faster connection(dsl or cable) then I might be worth it.

Here's a link with instructions on how to best setup LW with a dial-up connection:

$18.88USD is a one time charge and gets you 6 months free updates and 6 months pro support. After the 6 months are up you either pay again at a reduced rate to keep getting updates or you can keep the version you have for as long as you like but you would have to go back to basic to get updates. If and when you do get it, make sure it is from the official site and not a scam site:
Hope this helped.
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Last edited by 6_pac; January 28th, 2006 at 01:24 AM.
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