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Old January 28th, 2006
Guitarded9k Guitarded9k is offline
Join Date: November 24th, 2005
Posts: 7
Guitarded9k is flying high
Default Finally found what's wrong! (but still need help)


Many thanks for LOTR for his help earlier, but i've got the issue.

Got so sick of having problems with all P2P clients that I went right into the guts of Windows, and to the Add/Remove Windows components panel.

Went through, and found that the Networking Components checkbox was grey, clicked details and found that P2P was unchecked.

I got all excited (as you do), checked the box, and proceeded to try and install the component.


I had the joy of this error message, halfway through it installing:

As usual, the error message is provided with MS's usual level of helpfulness and detail.

What can I do to get it to install? This is obviously the issue.

Cheers in advance,
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